FrankGaming (Also known as Frank or Frankly), is a player that joined Stoneworks around mid-late 2024. He is known for co-founding the heavily controversial Christian Guild of Stoneworks, and organizing the cancelled build project of a statue of Jesus. Despite owning the Christian Guild he describes himself as Agnostic. Because of this he is sometimes called a "larper".

Christian Guild of Stoneworks
Around September, Frank decides to join the Christian Guild of SW to serve as advertiser. After the owner got banned for homophobia, the Discord server ownership got transferred to him, likely due to him being the highest role. At the time the server had around twenty members. Due his fascination for Christian history and religious texts, he decides to take the task of owner.
First ban
His first Discord ban was on November 13th, due to a Youtube link in his bio leading to offensive content that was deemed bigoted. The offensive content in question was a video that was perceived to "justify rape", despite the video talking about rapeseed. After his appeal was accepted, he chose to remove the link from his bio.